The animation takes place in a supermarket, following two characters who have an argument over a special cereal box. At the end of the animation, the two characters learn a valuable lesson.
The animation takes place in a museum. One of the main characters from the previous animation is trying to capture art's beauty, but keeps being stopped.
Concept Art Characters
Concept Art Characters
Concept Art Characters
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
The animation takes place in a supermarket, following two characters who have an argument over a special cereal box. At the end of the animation, the two characters learn a valuable lesson.
The animation takes place in a museum. One of the main characters from the previous animation is trying to capture art's beauty, but keeps being stopped.
Concept Art Characters
Concept Art Characters
Concept Art Characters
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (
David Li (Fluid paint) is a website DeAmeller used to create the paintings -> Fluid Paint (